Displaying 141 - 160 of 1146
  • In the March Personal Update Newsletter, we featured a story from a former agnostic young man named Adam. It really touched hearts and the response has been fantastic.

  • Passover is perhaps the most universally familiar of the seven feasts of Moses, as many have seen the famous Cecil B. DeMille film, The Ten Commandments, which depicts the death of the firstborn, subsequently commemorated as Passover.

  • Hello friends, Bob Cornuke and I traveled from Colorado to New Zealand in February to spend time working on K-house projects with Ron Matsen and the Koinonia House New Zealand team.

  • One night during the 2017 Strategic Trend Conference I went out to dinner with a guy who was also around 40 years old and fueled by a passion for the Lord. He was full of Biblical insights and passion for life.

  • Daniel 9 is probably one of the most pivotal chapters in the entire Bible for understanding end-time prophecy. That may seem like an exaggeration, but after seeing what’s packed into this chapter it will be easier to understand why that perspective is held by so many.

  • Passport in hand, I am ready to travel again. This month I will be making my first trip to the Koinonia House New Zealand ministry base for a few weeks of prayer, strategic planning and fellowship.

  • Prior to the Civil War, America was divided into 5 categories: Radical Northern Republicans, Moderate Republicans, Practical Neutral Voters, Moderate Southern Democrats, Extreme Southern Democrats.

  • The Church was birthed fifty days after Jesus Christ rose from the dead. On Pentecost, the Old Testament feast of Shavuot, the Holy Spirit both alighted and lit up the disciples that were gathered together.

  • A drug dealer with a pregnant girlfriend goes to jail, for stealing from Disneyland, and meets Jesus while there. Upon leaving jail he is introduced to the Bible teaching of Chuck Missler through the 66/40 radio show in Southern California.

  • That’s quite a statement. If we really believe that, it should change everything. We realize that the Bible is not the random jottings of ancient Hebrew sages, but a portal — a portal into the heart of our Creator. The Word of God is given to instruct and correct and guide us, but it is also a weapon to protect us from the enemy of our souls.

  • In August 2016, Koinonia Institute began a special offer that enable people to start an official KI Small Group which utilizes the Learn the Bible in 24 Hours instructional material through the Koinonia Institute online school.

  • Back in 2016 when we finished our remaster of Chuck Missler’s internationally well-known series Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, we knew we wanted it to be used as a tool for years to come.

  • As Christians, it can be easy for us to mistake the purpose of humility. We know we are to avoid pride and arrogance; Satan was puffed up because of his pride, and it led to his corruption and will ultimately lead to his demise

  • Chuck Missler’s teachings have radically changed my life. More than 20 years ago, I was a drywall construction worker listening to audio Bibles on the job-site wishing I could find someone to teach me each chapter of the Bible more in depth as I grew in Christ.

  • No one can ignore the amazing access most people have to the information made available through the Internet. From home computers to mobile devices we can post, read, and participate in the online world of digital media.

  • This past summer I sat down to lunch with two retired teacher colleagues. After reminiscing about what one friend described as the “Golden Years of Public Education” our conversation turned to our kids and their grandchildren.

  • In last month’s issue, we began an investigation of Deuteronomy, the final book in the Law of Moses. In this article, we will continue in the first chapter of that incredible book.

  • Have the 50 States been reduced to one United STATE run by 5 supreme despots? Jefferson warned of a judiciary “DESPOTIC branch”. Popular culture describes America as a democracy. Scholars clarify it is a constitutional republic. But in a sense, America is neither.

  • The five books of Moses are unquestionably the most venerated of texts the world over. Jewish sects all give the Torah highest honor, even if the sects can’t agree on anything else. Christians also hold the Torah in high regard, and Jesus repeatedly authenticated its five books by attributing them to Moses.

  • While on a return visit to northern Iraq earlier this year during “Nowroz,” the Persian and Kurdish new year, I was once again overcome by the absolutely stunning beauty of Kurdistan. Each year, after a few very damp and bone chilling winter months, the rugged Kurdish mountains burst to life, covered by a sea of vibrant green.