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  • Not all evil comes dressed in red and carrying a pitchfork. Sorcerers use subtlety to mask their true intentions.

  • The spirits behind the occult are real. They are active, they’re malevolent, and they’re out to do us harm. Seances and astral projection, past life readings and psychic readings and Tarot cards should not be dismissed as colorful pastimes or casual games.

  • My blood boils when I witness an unchecked wrong going uncorrected and unpunished. When I hear of people being deceived by those who should know better, my anger fills me like a boiling torrent. If I hear of the ignorant willingly becoming both deaf and dumb, I want to stamp my feet and shout at the top of my lungs. As I helplessly watch the innocent suffer without the opportunity to cry out, I want to do something, anything, to stop their needless agony.

  • This article puts the “personal” in Personal Update. Neither a Bible study nor a research paper, I hope to introduce to you, Gracious Reader, my framework and approach regarding voting and elections.

  • Sometimes, I find it hard to understand the thought process people must go through to make their illogical choices. It seems there is a willful disconnect between choice and consequence. Driven by a kind of data-free decision-making, they seem to launch themselves over the barriers of evidence into the free fall of blind passion.

  • In the turbulent times we find ourselves in, good Christian leadership becomes paramount. The Biblical teachings provide us with timeless wisdom and guidance on how to lead effectively, especially in challenging and uncertain periods.

  • The end of the world. It’s been a question in the heart of man for millennia. We all want to know how much longer we have - and what will happen at the end of days.

  • What is your expectation when you think of this book? Is it a legalistic legacy from the Law or maybe just a relic of the Hebrew ritualistic worship of their God?

  • In addition to our website on store.khouse.org, Koinonia House launched an additional materials outlet on Amazon in 2016.

  • For five decades, Koinonia House, or K-House as we are affectionately called, has been producing and distributing materials that are meant to encourage and facilitate the serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.

  • As we find ourselves firmly entrenched in the year 2024, it’s evident that change is afoot at Koinonia House. From the relocation of our premises from Idaho to Florida, to the transition of familiar faces and the addition of fresh talent, the winds of transformation are blowing through our organization.

  • the morning came, it was necessary to take Jesus over to Pilate so the stamp of Rome’s approval could seal their illegal verdict against Jesus. Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea, under Emperor Tiberius from AD 26 to 36.

  • What’s in a name? In most western cultures, parents name their children after many different reasons. Perhaps to honor a loved one, or someone famous, or simply to give their child their own unique identity. In the times of the Old Testament, Hebrew names carried more than just a phonetic grouping of letters that gave a pleasant sound, it carried a meaning.

  • Before sitting down to write this article, I checked on social media to find out what was on my friends’ minds. One faithful friend of Koinonia House – TL from Brazil – posted just four words: “Time to Equip Ourselves.” Thank you TL.

  • And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; - Revelation 3:14

  • Nothing could have prepared us for the horrors that we were about to witness on the morning of 7 October. As the news services began to report the terrifying attack on innocent Israeli citizens, our hearts were filled with anguish as we considered the seriousness of the situation.

  • I believe that the value of one’s personal legacy is measured by the number of people you have helped in Christ during your lifetime. C.T. Stud put it this way, “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

  • More than twenty centuries have come and gone since this extraordinary rabbi walked the territories of his homeland of ancient Israel. Throughout these 2,000 years, the Apostle John’s pronouncement about his teacher that we’ve just quoted has proven to be amazingly prescient:

  • The headlines overwhelm both mind and heart. Any abridged recounting of these issues is unnecessary for you Gracious Reader – you are already nodding your head and reflecting on the issue(s) freshest to you.

  • “The copy of the Genesis Apocryphon discovered at Qumran dates back to the second century B.C. . . . When discovered in 1947, it had been much mutilated from the ravages of time and humidity. . . . When scholars finally made public its content, the document confirmed that celestial beings from the skies had landed on planet Earth. More than that, it told how these beings had mated with Earth-women and had begat giants.”