Displaying 81 - 100 of 1155
  • When we go back to the birth of Christ and His genealogy, it is full of surprises. It is protected with a security system written into the text. There is an authentication code which acts like an automatic security monitor, and it watches every little letter of the text.

  • Almost everyone throughout the world celebrates Christmas. Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ, and we celebrate it on December 25. But is that really the birth date of Christ? Or was it on September 29, 2 B.C.?

  • The story of Lot is a tale of privilege, provision, and perversion. To begin with, Lot’s name means “covering,” as in a veil that hides the truth of what is inside. That should give you a hint as to the type of person we will find as we explore this enigmatic character.

  • Throughout the history of man there have been two basic forms of public government: 1. Rule by the elite (monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy) and 2. Rule by the people (democracy).

  • “There are two burdens every aspiring critical thinker must consider when making or evaluating an argument—the evidentiary burden and the persuasive burden.“

  • During the 40-day post-resurrection ministry of Jesus to His disciples, He progressively prepared them for what they would face after His departure. By the time of their last meeting with Jesus, they had received the Great Commission. We pick up the narrative in the Book of Acts.

  • The attack on the Biblical family unit has never been greater. The pervasive influences of secular philosophy, psychology, and sociology have driven the traditional family unit to the brink of extinction.

  • For years I have explored the idea of creating material for kids that taught them critical thinking skills. While living in England in 1995, I was given a chance to make a Bible presentation to the local middle school students during one of their morning assemblies.

  • From the first family to your family, a threat lurks for every child. Genesis 4 fails to record the reaction of either Adam or Eve upon hearing that one son (Cain) killed another son (Abel).

  • As we watch the rising tide of violence sweeping over the world around us, we need to focus on the predictions given in the Bible that allow us to put all of these unsettling events into a prophetic perspective.

  • Riots, hate, and hopelessness are becoming more and more of a problem in America. The church can bring relief; we can be the salt that preserves and light that shows the way. Unfortunately, vast numbers of believers are late coming on the scene and have trouble understanding what they are dealing with.

  • As the tour coordinator for K-House, I have a keen interest in international travel. Right now, the obvious question everyone is trying to answer, including myself, is whether it’s safe to travel when there are regions still dealing with coronavirus.

  • We are passing through a portal of concern the likes-of-which we have not experienced since World War ll. An invisible virus has seemingly shut down the world in many ways.

  • Over the many decades that I have enjoyed my love affair with the Bible, I have had the marvelous benefit of many great teachers. I’ve also had the incredible experience of fellowshipping in one of the most famous churches emphasizing expositional teaching from the Word of God.

  • At the beginning of 2020 it was very common for governments, businesses, academic institutions and ministries to communicate their vision for the future activities they hoped would be accomplished during the coming year. Some even used the natural wordplay between the year 2020 and 20/20 as it relates to having normal eyesight;

  • Historically, the proclamation of the Christian evangelistic message contains the twins of the Gospel which are the Cross and the Resurrection. When my family and I were living in England, I was shocked by an article in the local “Portsmouth News, 13 April 2001.”

  • The Gospel of Mark ends with a simple command to the disciples of Jesus Christ, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:14) The term “gospel” simply means “good news.”

  • Former President Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel stated in 2008: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” The Russian dictator Joseph Stalin stated: “Crisis alone permitted the authorities to demand – and obtain – total submission and all necessary sacrifices from its citizens.”

  • In recent weeks, the world has witnessed a global phenomenon that is unprecedented in human history. National governments, businesses, churches, and local communities have responded to the COVID-19 Coronavirus epidemic with, what appears to be, a sudden and severe suspension of people’s individual liberties.

  • Historic divisions within the church are well documented. Arminianism versus Calvinism; Pre-millennialism versus Post-millennialism; Protestantism versus Catholicism are among the more prominent ones.