Displaying 61 - 80 of 1146
  • A deception of cosmic proportions is coming. It won’t be just a false doctrine, a defective world-view, or one of the tragic “isms” so prevalent today. It will include a comprehensive global leadership backed by supernatural powers and capabilities that will overwhelm the imagination of the world at large.

  • The appetite for aliens has once again been heightened by the most frequent news releases by the mainline media. In a world struggling under the stress of increasing global threats, the beleaguered masses may be looking for outside help to rescue mankind.

  • A doctrine is defined as “the codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions, taught principles or positions, as the body of teachings in a branch of knowledge or belief system.” Simply put, a doctrine is the formalized expression of a foundational belief.

  • This author previously wrote on correspondence truth which requires that truth must correspond to reality. The truth, or the falsity of a statement, depends on whether the statement accurately describes the world and its properties.

  • Disagreement flourishes in today’s conversations and captions. Whether a lengthy and healthy exchange or a short and summary epitaph, no end to provocative and polarizing rhetoric is in view.

  • To identify Satan‘s “devices,” we need to understand his M.O., which is short for Modus Operandi; a Latin term used by law enforcement authorities to describe the particular manner in which a crime is committed. Quite literally we have Satan‘s fingerprints, or his M.O., at the scene of his crimes throughout the Bible.

  • In choosing teaching as a career and mathematics as my discipline, the objectivity and certainty of solving equations or evaluating expressions appealed to me. To adapt a phrase from the 1970‘s that I expect will be familiar to my readers, “When Pythagoras talks, people listen!”

  • In Critical Thinking the dual components of evidence and persuasion take prominent place in organizing or analyzing any position or claim. While evidence serves as the building blocks of any argument, persuasion operates as the mortar which connects and holds together each brick...

  • All mankind is embroiled in a war that has been raging since the dawn of time where man is both the prize and the pawn in this deadly conflict. For mankind, it all began in the Garden of Eden.

  • On a recent long-haul flight from New Zealand to the United States I found myself smiling as I approached the Premier Access line to board the plane.

  • Forbes reported last year that some sixty-five (65%) percent of adult Americans— 164 million people—have made New Year’s resolutions. The top five categories for New Year’s Resolutions in America are as follows...

  • Almost everyone throughout the world celebrates Christmas. Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ, and we celebrate it on December 25. But is that really the birth date of Christ? Or was it on September 29, 2 B.C.?

  • When we go back to the birth of Christ and His genealogy, it is full of surprises. It is protected with a security system written into the text. There is an authentication code which acts like an automatic security monitor, and it watches every little letter of the text.

  • The story of Lot is a tale of privilege, provision, and perversion. To begin with, Lot’s name means “covering,” as in a veil that hides the truth of what is inside. That should give you a hint as to the type of person we will find as we explore this enigmatic character.

  • Throughout the history of man there have been two basic forms of public government: 1. Rule by the elite (monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy) and 2. Rule by the people (democracy).

  • During the 40-day post-resurrection ministry of Jesus to His disciples, He progressively prepared them for what they would face after His departure. By the time of their last meeting with Jesus, they had received the Great Commission. We pick up the narrative in the Book of Acts.

  • “There are two burdens every aspiring critical thinker must consider when making or evaluating an argument—the evidentiary burden and the persuasive burden.“

  • The attack on the Biblical family unit has never been greater. The pervasive influences of secular philosophy, psychology, and sociology have driven the traditional family unit to the brink of extinction.

  • From the first family to your family, a threat lurks for every child. Genesis 4 fails to record the reaction of either Adam or Eve upon hearing that one son (Cain) killed another son (Abel).

  • For years I have explored the idea of creating material for kids that taught them critical thinking skills. While living in England in 1995, I was given a chance to make a Bible presentation to the local middle school students during one of their morning assemblies.