Displaying 421 - 450 of 622
  • Europe
    In our previous articles we reviewed some of the reasons Bible scholars have been anticipating a "Revived Roman Empire" as part of the prelude to the "Last Days."  Just as Daniel had predicted, the Babylonian Empire was ultimately conquered by the Persians; the Persians were, in turn, conquered by the Greeks; and, the Greeks were conquered by the Romans.
  • Article
    The mysterious Red Planet is going to put on a show this month. It has been getting progressively closer to Earth each night and will continue to grow larger and brighter. By late August it will be about 191 million miles closer, and the reddish point of light will appear six times larger and shine some 85 times brighter than it normally does.
  • Article
    In last month's article we reviewed some of the reasons why Bible scholars have been anticipating a "Revived Roman Empire" as part of the prelude to the "Last Days."  Just as Daniel had predicted,1 the Babylonian Empire was ultimately conquered by the Persians; the Persians were, in turn, conquered by the Greeks; and, the Greeks were conquered by the Romans.  But who conquered the Romans?
  • Article
    As a pleasant surprise, I was an invited participant last month in the National Security Forum at the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. It was a fabulous experience that I will never forget.
  • Article
    The recently proposed "Road Map" peace plan has been met with both criticism and support. Despite hopes to the contrary, many doubt this latest effort will succeed where others have failed so many times before. How is this plan different from its predecessors? Is peace between Israelis and Palestinians possible?
  • Europe
    For 19 centuries Bible scholars have been anticipating a "Revived Roman Empire."  Many wonder where this strange expectation comes from. Is this some kind of academic fantasy, or is there a real basis for this quaint perspective?
  • Article
    On June 6th (the 6th of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar) the Jews will celebrate Hag HaShavuot, the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost.  This comes from Leviticus 23:16, which points to "the morrow after the seventh sabbath" after the Feast of First Fruits (thus, 50 days-in Greek, pentecost.)
  • Article
    Recent Hubble measurements suggest that the universe isn't as grainy as it should be. This may sound paradoxical, but it seems to challenge our basic notions about this reality we call our universe.
  • Article
    At the time of this writing there remains much to do in "Operation: Iraqi Freedom," yet the past three weeks have certainly changed the entire strategic landscape of the Middle East.
  • Aliens
    Neanderthals, the prehistoric subspecies of humans known as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, are believed to have been muscular, thicker-skulled, erect creatures similar in intelligence to anatomically modern humans (the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens).
  • Article
    Many of us who have visited Israel regard the visit to the "Garden Tomb" as one of the major highlights of the trip. The British trust that manages the site always presents it as simply "representative"; however, we feel they are understating the actual facts.
  • Article
    The books of Samuel and Kings form a basic foundational study in the Old Testament. An understanding of this basic history is essential, not only to understanding the Old and New Testaments, but in gaining a valid perspective of eschatological issues as well.
  • Article
    In last month's article, we revealed what may finally be the "smoking gun" needed to confirm a cover-up of the Roswell crash. This month we'll look at one of the more elaborate examples of apparent disinformation involving ostensible government documents.
  • Aliens
    The topics of UFOs, alien abductions, and the like continue to emerge in the news and are gaining even more popularity in the entertainment media And, as never before, the folklore continues to get mixed in with the facts.
  • Article
    The "Beads of Waitangi" are a string of 347 beads which spell out Genesis 1:1 in Morse Code.
  • Ecclesiastes
    We have in our possession a considered response to this basic question from one of the wisest, richest, most powerful men to have walked the earth. And yet even today his counsel is widely ignored or misunderstood!
  • Article
    Did life on Earth - with all of its incredible complexity and diversity - arise from an undirected evolutionary process, as many scientists have believed since the time of Charles Darwin?
  • Article
    The holidays are upon us. It's now a special time of treats and seasonal goodies, so most of us find ourselves hanging around the kitchen more than usual at this time of year!
  • Article
    As we approach winter, depending upon which part of the country we live, we will encounter freezing temperatures. Most of the country will enjoy the poetry and beauty - and the needed respites - of the ice and snow of this special season.
  • Judges
    There is a book of the Bible that some have attempted to ban from public libraries because it was deemed unsuitable for children:  the Book of Judges.  It contains some graphic material that is so explicit that it has shocked many that such passages are even in the Bible!
  • Article
    In the last article, we examined the origins of the Scythians, the descendants of Magog who terrorized the southern steppes of Russia from the 10th to the 3rd century b.c.
  • Article
    Does the statement, "We've always done it that way" sound familiar to you?
  • Article
    So begins this classic passage in which Gog and Magog, with their allies, are drawn into an invasion of Israel only to have the God of Israel use the occasion to show Himself strong by intervening on behalf of His people and destroying the invading forces.
  • Article
    It may come as a surprise to discover that there are a number of Biblical experts who regard the Book of Leviticus as the most important book of the Bible! (Dr. Samuel H. Kellogg, Dr. Albert C. Dudley, J. Vernon McGee, et al.)
  • Article
    As diligent Bible students, most of us are familiar with the emergence of the empires that were profiled, in advance, in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7: the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires.
  • Article
    Last month, we reviewed a couple of the "minor prophets" (so labeled simply because they are smaller - shorter, more terse and concise): Joel and Amos. This month we'll take a glimpse at a few more.
  • Article
    It seems astonishing that in our "enlightened" culture, despite our space-age sophistication, many people still believe in astrology! A Gallup poll concluded that 55% of teenagers believe in astrology; 1220 of the 1750 newspapers include a horoscope column of some kind to serve their readers.
  • Article
    Israel and the PLO have been sliding toward full-blown war since September 2000, as the last shreds of the Oslo Peace Process dissolved into an intifada and successive terrorist activities.
  • Article
    For a presumably enlightened culture, our lives - and schoolbooks - are littered with an astonishing array of beliefs that pose as being scientific, but are actually in contradiction to available evidence. We need to regard many of our cherished myths with cautious skepticism and not allow conjectures to masquerade as proven facts.
  • Article
    There are twelve "minor" prophets that are yet to be really discovered by most Christians. (They are called "minor" simply because they are smaller - shorter, more terse, and concise.) Yet they contain some of the most fascinating and provocative prophecies you'll find anywhere in the Scriptures. Here's a glimpse of two of them.