Displaying 301 - 330 of 622
  • Article
    As most of you know, China is portrayed as a major world superpower in the Biblical end-times scenario. As such, we have made The Rise of China a major trend, and we do our best to keep you updated.
  • Galatians
    These are easy questions only to those who have not studied them seriously! The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as the supreme rebuttal to legalism of any kind.
  • Article
    Everyone today is chafing under the increased costs of fuel for their cars (and air travel). Many are jumping to the conclusion that this is all due to “manipulation” by the energy barons and profiteers, etc. Strangely, the current focus on oil can cause us to miss the more salient issues that we all are victims of. There are far more serious concerns facing us than simply our miles per gallon!
  • Commentary
    The Epistle to the Hebrews is widely regarded as one of the most difficult of books, enigmatic to those who fail to recognize the status of (and the issues confronting) the specific readers who are being addressed. In our previous article on this challenging book, we focused on the mysteries surrounding its authorship and its role in the Trilogy on Habakkuk 2:4.
  • Hebrews
    The Epistle to the Hebrews is one of the two greatest theological treatises of the New Testament. This letter is, in a real sense, the “Leviticus” of the New Testament, detailing how the Lord Jesus Christ is both the fulfillment and the successor to all that had gone on before.
  • Article
    (In our March issue, we explored the limits to “smallness”—particle physics—and that our known universe is but a “shadow” of a larger reality. In this issue we will review the attempt this summer to probe the present limits of “smallness.”)
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    On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence and was immediately at war with its Arab neighbors. Today Israel’s enemies are once again preparing for war and, again, the goal is Israel’s complete annihilation. In the 60 years that have passed since the creation of the modern state of Israel, this tiny nation has fought for its survival against all odds. It has survived several major wars and decades of violence.
  • Article
    In recent weeks you might have noticed your grocery bill rising. If so, you’re not alone. Food prices are soaring worldwide. Consumers in many western nations are just beginning to notice the change; however, in many parts of the world the rising cost of food has already reached crisis levels.
  • Article
    Last month we celebrated our Lord’s death and resurrection, but we need to make sure we never distance our Easter from Passover. They are intrinsically connected and yet calendar-wise they are often separated-this year, Passover is celebrated a month later than Easter. As Christians it is imperative that we understand how these two events are intertwined and how Christ is the fulfillment of the Seder.
  • Article
    We take passages in the Bible for granted, often failing to recognize the technological advancements that are implied by them. Some of these, in subtle ways, are implied prophecies.
  • Article
    Do you have “faith” in the chair you’re sitting on? Why are you confident it will hold your weight? It may seem solid enough, but suppose I told you that essentially there was nothing there?
  • Timothy, Titus & Philemon
    Paul wrote four personal letters to three different pastors: Timothy (two), Titus, and Philemon. These letters were also intended for circulation in the churches, but they were specifically to encourage, instruct, and warn pastors faced with the burden of ministering.
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    On March 16th most churches will celebrate Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. This event, also known as “the Triumphal Entry,” involves one of the most astonishing passages in the entire Bible.
  • Article
    As we prepare our hearts for Easter next month, I thought we’d review the famed incident of Abraham offering his son Isaac in Genesis chapter 22, called in Hebrew the Akedah. Let’s review this strange account.
  • Article
    As we enter the new year and survey the turbulent horizon ahead, global enigmas continue to challenge any competent analysis. Anyone who assumes that the years ahead will be smooth sailing is underinformed.
  • Khouse
    With the holiday pressures now behind us, we pause to reflect on our achievements of this past year. It’s an honor and an awesome privilege to serve our King and we thank you for allowing this ministry to continue to change lives for the Lord.
  • Article
    The Epistle to the Romans is a cornerstone in the Scriptures. Sometimes called the Gospel according to Paul, it is the most comprehensive book in the New Testament. If you are going to study the New Testament seriously, you must diligently address this book.
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    We have just returned from our latest Issachar Tour to Israel, where we were briefed by many senior officials of the Israel Defense Force and others from the intelligence community.
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    Why is Jesus Christ so special? Why do billions of people celebrate his birth? Why do we believe that Jesus was the Messiah? What if he was just a man? Does it really make a difference? If you have ever asked yourself these same questions, be assured that the Bible does have the answers.
  • Article
    Each year as we approach the holiday season, our preparations for Christmas include revisiting the events surrounding the birth of Our Lord. Bethlehem,1 the shepherds, and the angels are all familiar to us. But not much is generally known about the mysterious “Magi” who came to worship the infant Jesus.
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    The traditional American Dream, especially for those of us who grew up in families that survived the depression of the 1930s, was to have a home “free and clear” of any mortgages. The security of a debt-free home was the goal of every family in the 20th-century United States. However, we are now in the next century and the horizon is changing in many ways.
  • Article
    Later this month, hordes of costumed children will be hitting the streets in search of candy and other treats. Yet, Halloween is not just “trick or treat” and “fun and games.” Halloween practices can open the door to the occult and can introduce forces into people’s lives that they are not equipped to combat.
  • Article
    Last month we reviewed the increasingly difficult predicament we face in attempting to position ourselves-and our families-in this volatile world. In addition to the terrorist threats and other geopolitical tensions, the mismanagement of our own national financial scene appears increasingly problematic.
  • KI
    Are you dissatisfied with the present course of your life? Do you feel a drawing away from your present commitments and a yearning for a greater relevance in your life? Is it possible that God may be calling you into a new phase of your life?
  • The Feasts of Israel
    Next month, our Jewish friends will celebrate the Fall Feasts of Israel, which take place during the first 15 days of Tishri on the Jewish calendar. This year, they all occur in the month of September.
  • Article
    Events over the past few years have caused many informed observers to be concerned over the increased precariousness of our strategic horizon. In addition to natural disasters-such as Hurricane Katrina-and the continuing terrorist threats promising a major sequel to “9/11,” and the probability of rogue nuclear attacks of various kinds, anyone who is relying on smooth waters over the next 12-18 months is simply among the ranks of the under-informed.
  • Commentary
    The most-often quoted reference in the New Testament is the Book of Psalms. The psalms are not only unexcelled for being inspirational and comforting, they are also among the richest sources of prophetic insights in the entire Bible.
  • Article
    On our annual celebration of the birth of our once-proud republic, it is also fitting to pause for a nostalgic moment in recalling the celebrated document that created our nation’s freedoms and protections.
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    On May 23rd our Jewish friends will celebrate the Feast of Shavuot. The Book of Ruth is traditionally read on this holiday, also known as the Feast of Pentecost. For a number of reasons, this feast may have far more prophetic relevance than is commonly recognized.
  • Article
    It is often startling to discover how relevant the Book of Psalms is to our contemporary world today!