Displaying 61 - 90 of 233
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    What Love is this? Is it a sincere desire motivated by a strong attraction? It is a serious devotion evidenced by undying attention? Or is it a deep emotion fueled by an enduring affection?
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    There are three principal judgments that are often confused: the Bema Seat Judgment, the Sheep and Goat Judgment, and the Great White Throne. They are each quite different.
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    In Chapter 3 of Paul’s second letter to timothy, he lists 18 characteristics of the “perilous times” to come in the “last days”.
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    This book lets Jesus speak for himself, in his own words as recorded by the New Testament writers. In a sense, we’ve created an autobiography.
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    The seven feasts of Moses are not only commemorative historically as they are observed in Judaism, but every detail of these feasts are anticipatory of the person, mission and achievement of the Messiah.
  • Mystery of Melchizedek
    In Genesis 14, after the Battle of the Nine Kings, Abram encounters a fabulous paersonage who was both king and priest. Who is Melchizedek?
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    The more we take the Bible seriously, and the more we study the Bible as a whole, the clearer it becomes that the Rapture is an essential ingredient in God’s plan.
  • Footprints of the Messiah
    We believe God has provided us a series of footprints that lead us through the Torah to Jesus Christ… What Bible study is mentioned twelve times in one book of the Bible, was given on seven different occasions by seven different people, and is hardly ever offered today? Jesus as the Old Testament’s Messiah of Israel!
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    Jesus, not His enemies, set the time of His execution. This was a destiny established before the foundation of the world. We know from the sacred Scriptures that the plot against Jesus was expressly designed to avoid the feast days (in order to minimize involvement of the Roman soldiers and their irresolute commitment to keeping order).
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    What is this burgeoning craze about the coming four “blood moons,” and do they convey a prophetic message for mankind?
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    What are these “doctrines of demons” Paul warns us about? What can we do in this age of deception? What does the Bible have to say about the End Times? Matthew’s Gospel gives us the response of Jesus to this question. “Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be?
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    The Book of Ruth is a classic love story of loyalty and devotion, and yet it also contains some surprising insights that go far beyond the historical narrative itself.
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    Unquestionably, Isaiah has given us our most indispensable Old Testament prophetic tour de force and it is replete with exegetical discoveries and hermeneutic treasures.
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    The Metacosm is the domain of transdimensional creatures such as angels (fallen and unfallen), demons, and—surprisingly—UFOs and other ostensibly hybrid forms encountered in the Scriptures.
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    The term “Antichrist” is the most common appellation that fills thousands of books and speculations about his origin, his nature, his agenda, and his destiny.
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    Most of what we associate with the “Magi” is from early church traditions. What do we really know about the Magi?
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    Although we know that we have been freed from the Law and the “observances” of new moons, feasts etc., there is still value in understanding the roots of the Feasts.
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    Isaiah 53 describes the astonishing personal sacrifice that is the fulcrum—the pivot—of the entire cosmic drama. However, it is the personal aspect of this passage that grips our soul.
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    As we watch the world descend further and further into darkness, and as the Christian community wonders when God is going to judge America, we would do well to study the dynamics of how God treats His own people during His ordered times of judgment.
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    Everyone who has called on the name of Jesus Christ for their own salvation now has an irrevocable calling upon their new life, which compels them to take the Gospel to the world around them.
  • The Bible: An Extraterrestrial Message
    Since God has the technology to create us in the first place, He certainly has the technology to get a message to us. But how does He authenticate His message?
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    As the approach of a very literal Kingdom now looms on our horizon, it becomes increasingly urgent for all of us to fully apprehend the implications for our personal walk and priorities.
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    Each of the Feasts of Moses, in addition to being commemorative, is also prophetic. The Feast of Pentecost proves to be prophetic of the Church.
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    The great tragedy—especially in America today—is that “The Gospel” is painfully absent in today’s “politically correct” pulpits.
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    Let’s take stock of ourselves: Why is the divorce rate among Christians no better than among unbelievers? Is the “Gospel” preached in your church? What is the status of Biblical literacy in your fellowship? Is our Christianity lukewarm?
  • Commentary
    John’s Gospel is intense and uniquely rewarding for both the novice and the seasoned Bible student. It is a fruitful place for a beginner, yet it continues to reveal surprises to challenge the most sophisticated and diligent.
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    Virtually all ancient calendars were initially based on a 360-day year: 12 months of 30 days each. However, all calendars change in 701 b.c.; they all resort to adjustments to accommodate the current sidereal reckoning. Why?
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    I believe there are clear historic parallels that give us insight into both the condition and the cause of many churches in decline today. We will examine three causes—all three have an example in the history of Israel.
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    The midrash, an ancient collection of jewish folklore and Biblical commentary, states that the Spirit of God that is spoken of in Isaiah that is resting upon the Messiah is the same Spirit of the Lord that moved over the primeval waters of creation.
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    Stephen’s presentation in Acts 7 emphasized a pattern of failure: that Israel repeatedly failed the first time, and then succeeded on their second. The Scriptures extensively portray a “God of the Second Chance.”