Displaying 31 - 60 of 233
  • Koinonia Institute
    In August 2016, Koinonia Institute began a special offer that enable people to start an official KI Small Group which utilizes the Learn the Bible in 24 Hours instructional material through the Koinonia Institute online school.
  • Soldiers
    No one can ignore the amazing access most people have to the information made available through the Internet. From home computers to mobile devices we can post, read, and participate in the online world of digital media.
  • Deuteronomy
    In last month’s issue, we began an investigation of Deuteronomy, the final book in the Law of Moses. In this article, we will continue in the first chapter of that incredible book.
  • Deuteronomy
    The five books of Moses are unquestionably the most venerated of texts the world over. Jewish sects all give the Torah highest honor, even if the sects can’t agree on anything else. Christians also hold the Torah in high regard, and Jesus repeatedly authenticated its five books by attributing them to Moses.
  • Origin of Evil
    Evil is something we understand by nature. We see Sauron or Darth Vader, and we recognize that they are evil. We understand without being told that the bad guys are those who slaughter innocent people.
  • Angels
    In Daniel 10, we find Daniel fasting and mourning for three weeks while an angelic messenger fights to get past the “Prince of Persia” to deliver a critical piece of communication. We learn that Michael the archangel comes to the aid of the messenger, who is then able to reach Daniel.
  • Fulcrum
    The Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered in late 1946 in caves along the Dead Sea. The ancient settlement of Khirbet Qumran held millennial old sealed clay jars which contained about 1200 manuscripts, including more than 300 Biblical texts.
  • Learn the Bible in 24 Hours

    The Ultimate Literary Adventure

    Are you ready for a detailed yet thoroughly enjoyable study of the most profound book ever written?

    Using sound scientific facts, historical analysis, and Biblical narrative, acclaimed teacher Dr. Chuck Missler weaves together a rich tapestry of information–providing an accurate understanding of Scripture’s relation to itself, to us, and to the world at large.

  • Genesis

    There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “world view” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.

  • Angels Vol 1

    Angels Volume 1 - Session 01: The Berean Challenge

    For thousands of years most of us have either had or still hold to misconceptions, myths, legends, or traditions about angels and our own reality. In this study we will deal with these fascinating entities.

  • How We Got Our Bible
    • Where did our Bible come from? How good are the texts?
    • Why do we believe its origin is supernatural?
    • How do we know that it really is the Word of God?
    • How accurate are our translations?
    • Which version is the best?

    Chuck Missler, an internationally recognized Biblical authority, reviews the origin of both the Old and New Testaments in light of recent discoveries and controversies.

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teachings.

  • KI
    Koinonia House is dedicated to assisting the serious Bible student in becoming an effective ambassador for Christ. Dr. Chuck Missler has often said that “the greatest place to grow in your Christian walk is in a small group where there is intimacy, accountability, and trust.”
  • Israel and the Church
    In any pastor’s study we will find a set of books called Systematic Theology, and in those books we will find doctrinal views on a large number of subjects. Yet, they are almost all missing one very important subject...
  • Article
    Over the many decades that I have enjoyed my love affair with the Bible, I have had the marvelous benefit of many great teachers. I’ve also had the incredible experience of fellowshipping in one of the most famous churches emphasizing expositional teaching from the Word of God.
  • Article
    This article is taken from a chapter in The Now Prophecies book. The NOW Prophecies are the unfulfilled ancient biblical predictions that appear to be imminent, which means they could happen NOW!
  • Feasts of Israel
    The anti-Semitism of the early Church is one of the great tragedies of history. While the teachings of Jesus came straight from the Hebrew Scriptures, a backlash against ritualistic devotion to the Law developed into a deliberate attempt to steer away from the Old Testament.
  • Article
    What Bible study is mentioned twelve times in one book of the Bible, was given on seven different occasions by seven different people, and is hardly ever offered today?
  • Article
    You have seen articles in Personal Update over the past months about new things coming to Koinonia Institute (KI). We are very happy to announce that the first changes are rolling out in July!
  • Article
    In our culture, faith is frowned on as mere imagination — the hopes and wishes of the common man. Evidence is what matters, we are told — and not just any form of evidence.
  • Article
    In our culture, faith is frowned on as mere imagination — the hopes and wishes of the common man. Evidence is what matters, we are told — and not just any form of evidence.
  • Article
    The Second Epistle of John is among the most neglected books of the New Testament. It, like his third epistle, is simply a short personal letter from the Apostle. There is little doubt that the Apostle John was the author, but there are a number of conjectures as to whom it was written: someone called “the Elect Lady.”
  • Mary
    The community of Christian faith worldwide knows her as the finest woman who ever lived. Born in obscurity to a distant descendant of Israel’s magnificent King David, Christians believe Mary, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, was honored by the Creator of the Universe to be the person through whom God himself would visit his own Creation, reconciling his people to himself.
  • Article
    What child doesn’t love a good spy book, complete with clues and ciphers? As young people, we delighted in passwords and vocabulary that only our best friends understood. We invented secret codes and used them to pass messages that nobody else could read.
  • Article
    The Bible is the single most important book of all time, selling an estimated 5 billion copies. It has been translated into 349 languages, and 2123 languages have at least one book of the Bible.
  • Article
    It is quite remarkable how often mistaken identities occur throughout our literature: Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest, Charade, et al.; Daphne du Maurier’s Scapegoat, Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Christo and The Man in the Iron Mask all rely on mistaken identities.
  • Article
    In the first part of this essay on putting faith into practice, KI Gold Medallion holder Ray Sarlin examined our foundation in Christ and what it means in practical everyday terms. It’s not enough to simply believe in Him, we must strive to take up our own crosses and follow Him. Part 2 will discuss God’s Word as the source of all Truth and the complete revelation of the true Jesus and His true teaching.
  • Article
    On a recent long-haul flight from New Zealand to the United States I found myself smiling as I approached the Premier Access line to board the plane. You see, I have flown enough that I have gained a status that grants me some special treatments by the airline.
  • Article
    The 15th chapter in 1 Corinthians is the most important chapter in the Bible (and the longest in this epistle). It deals with the ultimate enemy of mankind: death. It announces the death of death itself. This chapter is regarded by many as the Centerpiece of Christianity and the climax of Paul’s message.
  • Article
    The apostle Paul encouraged the Ephesian church by telling them, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
  • Article
    The Spiritual Gifts are among the richest blessings for Believers, and yet also remain among the most divisive topics within the Christian community. 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 14 reveal more about the work of the Holy Spirit than do any other passages in the Word of God.