Displaying 571 - 600 of 622
  • Cosmic Codes
    A new book by Michael Drosnin, The Bible Code, has stirred up further controversies about "codes" in the Bible. Very effectively promoted by Simon and Schuster, and including extremely aggressive claims by the author...
  • America
    Obstruction of justice. Abuse of presidential powers. Failure to comply with congressional subpoenas. These were the three general Articles of Impeachment that the House Judiciary Committee approved against Richard Milhous Nixon in July 1974.
  • Article
    Much excitement has been generated by the arrival of a "Red Heifer"1 in Israel. The birth of a red heifer (cow) on a farm in the religious youth village of Kfar Hasidim (near Haifa) has excited sectors in the Israeli religious community.
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    The last in our series on the seven elements of The Armor of God, this month we will highlight our most powerful weapon of all:
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    On May 13, 1917 three children saw a lady who identified herself as the Lady of the Rosary. These children claim to have had six visions of this Fatima, a vision each month for six months.
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    It appears that an intelligence coup has been scored against the United States by the First Bureau of the Military Intelligence Department in China, responsible for gathering intelligence abroad.
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    We have been reviewing the various elements of the Armor of God (from Ephesians 6:10-18), and this month we come to the sixth in Paul's list of seven:
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    In our continuing series on the various elements of the Armor of God (from Ephesians 6:10-18), last month we explored our "Helmet of Salvation." However, we had left some additional aspects to discuss further this month. How adequate is our "Helmet?"
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    In our continuing series of articles exploring "the Armor of God" as listed in Ephesians 6, we will now address the fifth in Paul's series of seven:
  • Article
    Many consider the survival of Saddam Hussein from the Persian Gulf War a serious miscalculation.1 With Warren Christopher and William Perry departing the Clinton Administration, it appears that Saddam Hussein is now bolder than ever, buoyed by his humiliating defeat of the CIA in northern Iraq in September.
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    In our continuing review of the "Armor of God," we have been examining each of the elements listed in Ephesians 6. In this article, we will explore verse 16 in which we encounter the fourth of Paul's list of seven:
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    Scripture has commanded us to "put on the whole Armor of God." In recent articles, we have been exploring the various elements which make up the Armor of God as detailed in Ephesians 6:10-18. In this article we will explore our footwear:
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    Whether it's Bosnia, Chechnya, or the Kurds, we all are becoming increasingly aware of conflicts involving the Muslim world. There is much going on in the Islamic world that bears prophetic implications.
  • Article
    This is the third in our series on the "Armor of God,"1 in the hopes of getting better prepared to endure our present "Age of Deceit."
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    Last month we began a series of articles on the "Armor of God." You and I are engaged in a desperate warfare: a spiritual warfare. If we are not properly prepared, we are sitting ducks.
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    We are presently engaged in warfare. Did you realize that? Are you equipped and prepared? Or are you a sitting duck?
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    At press time, it looks as if Boris Yeltsin will win the election in Russia. While this appears to be the least threatening of the alternatives from a U.S. viewpoint, it is significant to recognize that the nuclear threat to the United States has never been greater.
  • Article
    Recently, the State of Colorado has been attempting to entirely rewrite its children's code. As a part of the proposed changes, language was introduced by pro-family legislators to protect parents' rights and prevent unwarranted state intrusion into family life. This legislation was killed in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
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    Near the town of Tarhunah, Muammar El Gaddafi is again building a nerve-gas plant just like the one at Rabta.
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    Freud's controversial ideas have had vast implications far beyond psychiatry alone.
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    On May 24 (the 6th of Sivan on the Jewish calendar) Israel will celebrate Hag Ha Shavout, the Feast of Weeks, or the Feast of Pentecost.
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    What sin has probably caused more pain than any other? A well-qualified candidate is Gossip! It is, in its most formal form, a violation of "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."
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    "...the world's preeminent nuclear power is now Moscow."
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    The Triumphal Entry involves one of the most astonishing passages in the entire Bible!
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    In addition to the destabilizing "Peace Process" being forced upon Israel, there are other forces unsettling the volatile Middle East. Rulers who have ruled the Muslim world for decades are growing old, embattled, and in poor health--and the experts are unclear as to who the likely candidates are that will replace them.
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    Chuck, you've got to be kidding! That's often the reaction by some to the idea that we take the Long Day of Joshua seriously.
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    We frequently use the familiar term gospel, or good news. Where is the first place it appears in the Bible? The answer may surprise you.
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    After Turkey has spent 75 years attempting to join the West, and having been spurned by the European Union, they appear to have little choice but to attempt to rejoin the Islamic Middle East. The strategic implications are immense and are destined to dramatically affect the balance of power in the Middle East and in Eastern Europe.
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    The notion that a free press is essential for a free society was one of the basic beliefs of our founding fathers. Truth and accuracy in the reporting of facts was a long-standing tradition of journalists in our country for many years. Has that tradition changed?
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    The First of Tishri on the Hebrew calendar, which begins the Jewish New Year, is the celebration of Rosh Hashana ("The Head of the Year") and also the Feast of Trumpets. This day begins Israel's civil year and is celebrated for two days (the second day was added by the rabbis around 500 b.c.).