The celebration of the pagan festival of Halloween is now a multi-billion dollar merchandiser's market. Fifty percent of Americans will decorate for Halloween (compared to over 80% for Christmas). It is now the third most popular party activity, after the Superbowl and New Year's Eve.
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- How did the Thanksgiving holiday first begin?
- What provocative parallels emerge in the strange career of the Indian "Squanto" and the Biblical record of Joseph?
- What is the most important legacy we can leave our children and grandchildren?
Chuck Missler reviews the origin of our unique national holiday and challenges our Christian stewardship concerning the precious heritage that is slowly being stripped away by the enemies of our Republic.
Runtime: Approx 2 hours.
Copyright © 10-20-1997
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Dr. Chuck Missler, a widely recognized Biblical authority, updates his classic study of Christmas. He explores the background, and myths, surrounding our favorite holiday.
- What really happened in Bethlehem two thousand years ago?
- Who were the "Magi?"
- Why a virgin birth?
- What does a Christmas Tree have to do with it?
Each year at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
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Dan Brown's bestselling book, The DaVinci Code is a real page-turner but constitutes an intentional and very malicious attack on the person of Jesus Christ and Christianity. It has caused much confusion among those inadequately informed about the origins of the Gospels and the history of the early church.
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What Really Happened?
Most reasonably informed Christians are well aware that many of the traditions that surround the Christmas holidays have pagan origins and very little correlation with the actual events as recorded in the Bible. However, most of us are surprised when we discover that some of what we have been taught about Easter is not only in error, but deliberately so!
This study contains 2 hours of teachings.
Copyright © 2022
Originally recorded: 2007
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A captivating and often startling exposé filled with historical intrigue. It will leave the reader stunned at what has been manifested in the dark halls of history since the first-century church. This book is fast-paced and shocking in its examination of various man-made church traditions which have, far too often, strayed from clear Scriptural mandates. will reveal hidden secrets of the past and point the way out of the malaise of manufactured traditions by setting compass, rudder, and sails aimed directly at God’s authoritative Word.
- ArticleChristian DoctrineThe anti-Semitism of the early Church is one of the great tragedies of history. While the teachings of Jesus came straight from the Hebrew Scriptures...
- ArticleGeneralIn 1 Samuel 28, we find a bizarre chapter in the history of Israel. Israel’s King Saul has been long preoccupied with the pursuit of his rival David and has neglected the growing Philistine threat to Israel.
- ArticleTraditiono understand the timing of the birth of Christ, we need some political understanding of the empires as well as the geopolitical landscape of that time. The world’s first dictator, Nimrod, built the city of Babylon.
- ArticleTraditionEvery year on the last day of October, American children paint their faces, color their hair, don gowns, capes and fuzzy suits, and traipse about from door-to-door collecting bags of candy. Their parents join them, visiting parties and high school haunted houses.
- ArticleChristian DoctrineWhen we go back to the birth of Christ and His genealogy, it is full of surprises. It is protected with a security system written into the text. There is an authentication code which acts like an automatic security monitor, and it watches every little letter of the text.
- ArticleChristian DoctrineAlmost everyone throughout the world celebrates Christmas. Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ, and we celebrate it on December 25. But is that really the birth date of Christ? Or was it on September 29, 2 B.C.?
- ArticleTraditionEvery spring, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ by hiding colored eggs and chocolate bunnies for our children. Little girls run around in white frilly dresses and boys sport handsome braces to hold up well-pressed trousers.
- ArticleBible StudyPassover is perhaps the most universally familiar of the seven feasts of Moses, as many have seen the famous Cecil B. DeMille film, The Ten Commandments, which depicts the death of the firstborn, subsequently commemorated as Passover.
- ArticleBible StudyThe anti-Semitism of the early Church is one of the great tragedies of history. While the teachings of Jesus came straight from the Hebrew Scriptures, a backlash against ritualistic devotion to the Law developed into a deliberate attempt to steer away from the Old Testament.
- ArticleBible StudyMost of what we associate with the “Magi” is from early church traditions. What do we really know about the Magi?
- ArticleBible StudyMost reasonably informed Christians are well aware that many of the traditions that surround Christmas have pagan origins and little correlation with the actual events recorded in the Bible.
- ArticleArchaeology/HistoryDame Isabel Piczek—a Hungarian trained particle physicist and internationally renowned monumental artist—has apparently uncovered hard, scientific evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, rise from the dead.
- ArticleBible StudyOn March 16th most churches will celebrate Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. This event, also known as “the Triumphal Entry,” involves one of the most astonishing passages in the entire Bible.
- ArticlePersonalMost reasonably informed Christians are well aware that many of the traditions that surround the Christmas holidays have pagan origins and very little correlation with the actual events as recorded in the Bible. However, most of us are surprised when we discover that some of what we have been taught about “Easter” is not only in error, but deliberately so!
- ArticlePersonalOctober this year includes the Fall Feasts of Israel, which occur in the first 15 days of the month of Tishri. Each of the seven Feasts of Moses commemorate historical events of the nation Israel, but they also have prophetic significance as well.
- ArticleBible StudyOn August 14th, our Jewish friends will observe Tisha B'Av ("The Ninth Day of Av"). This is a special day of mourning, since on this day four tragedies occurred:
- ArticlePersonalWe continue to get many questions which derive from the popular but shamefully blasphemous novel by Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code. Despite the fact that it is a work of fiction, it has raised many troubling questions, especially among the less informed. Because of our widely distributed text, Cosmic Codes, many continue to turn to us for a response.
- ArticlePersonalFor over twenty years we have guided Bible study tours to Israel. There is nothing that compares to a visit to the Holy Land. As my daughter once remarked, "It turns your black-and-white Bible into living color."
- ArticlePersonalThis month we celebrate Easter. Whoops! Why do we label our most holy holiday with its pagan obfuscation? It is at this time that we celebrate the very Gospel itself: " that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; that He was buried; and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures."
- ArticlePersonalIt's December 26, the day after Christmas, when the death of the church's first martyr, Stephen, is traditionally commemorated. Trivial, yes, but most Christians can't give me the correct answer.
- ArticleBible StudyMany Christians still remain uncomfortable over the issue of the Sabbath day. Observing Sunday as a memorial of the resurrection of our Lord is our traditional day of worship, and yet many are disturbed over this issue.
- ArticlePersonalThis is always a difficult time for Christians, especially those with children. It has been suggested that for a Christian to be asked to celebrate Halloween is like asking a Holocaust survivor to celebrate Hitler's birthday!