Displaying 61 - 90 of 93
  • Doctrines of Demons
    The Gospel of Mark ends with a simple command to the disciples of Jesus Christ, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:14) The term “gospel” simply means “good news.”
  • Lockdown
    In recent weeks, the world has witnessed a global phenomenon that is unprecedented in human history. National governments, businesses, churches, and local communities have responded to the COVID-19 Coronavirus epidemic with, what appears to be, a sudden and severe suspension of people’s individual liberties.
  • Article
    Koinonia House is dedicated to assisting the serious Bible student in becoming an effective ambassador for Christ. Dr. Chuck Missler has often said that “the greatest place to grow in your Christian walk is in a small group where there is intimacy, accountability, and trust.”
  • Article
    Replacement Theology was introduced to the Church shortly after Gentile leadership took over from Jewish leadership. The premises of this belief are that Israel (the Jewish people and the land) are replaced by the Christian Church to fulfill the purposes of God and to become the historic continuation of “Israel” to the exclusion of the former.
  • Article
    When I was young, I attended a summer camp for kids near Mt Lassen in Northern California. During the week-long camp, they ran various competitions with prizes being awarded as points which would accumulate and be redeemed for some treasure or another from the camp store.
  • Article
    In 2005, Koinonia House launched the Koinonia Institute fulfilling a dream of Chuck Missler to promote Biblical literacy among 21st century Christians. In the past, Koinonia Institute had 3 basic levels of membership, each with its own cost...
  • Article
    Apocalyptic topics seem to be the favorite of many who are trying to navigate through this increasingly confusing world. But, of all the end-time themes revealed in the Bible—such as global disasters, the rise of a global super-state, the revelation of the Antichrist...
  • Rebellion
    Throughout the history of man there have been two basic forms of public government: 1. Rule by the elite (monarchy, aristocracy, and oligarchy) and 2. Rule by the people (democracy). The three basic forms of democracy are...
  • Article
    While living in Portsmouth, England in 2001 the local newspaper reported a shocking statistic that saddened me to my very core. In the runup to the Easter holiday season 50 members of church clergy were asked about their congregation's beliefs; 48% said they “Did NOT Believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus”...
  • Explore
    I first became aware of Bob Cornuke through his book ”Mountain of Fire.“ It was during August 2001 when my family and I were visiting our good friends, the Corletts, at their home in Upstate New York. Chris Corlett gave us the book and as we read it we found ourselves captivated by the daring exploits of Bob and his partner Larry.
  • Peace
    Over the past few decades, Koinonia House has encouraged people to donate to our Israel Relief Fund. As the fund builds over time we look for ways in which we can assist the people of Israel.
  • Bible Flame
    Over the past few years of working with Chuck Missler, people have asked me, “What will happen to Koinonia House when he is gone?” With Chuck’s official retirement announced more than two years ago...
  • Article
    It is amazing to watch the world-wide media moguls and how they will generally spin every crisis in the Middle East so that it appears that the trail of culpability always leads back to the policies and practices of the current State of Israel.
  • Soldiers
    No one can ignore the amazing access most people have to the information made available through the Internet. From home computers to mobile devices we can post, read, and participate in the online world of digital media.
  • Article
    Some say that the first casualty of war is truth. Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
  • Article
    Dr. Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours series is the foundational study for all Koinonia Institute students.
  • KI
    Koinonia House is dedicated to assisting the serious Bible student in becoming an effective ambassador for Christ. Dr. Chuck Missler has often said that “the greatest place to grow in your Christian walk is in a small group where there is intimacy, accountability, and trust.”
  • Article
    With all that is going on in the world today it is difficult for Christians to know where they should be focused and how best to utilize their time and talents.
  • Mary
    Sometimes discoveries are made in areas where you least expect them. Such was the case in early April 2016 as we pre-released the cover art for Dr. William Welty’s new book Mary, Ten Test Questions for the World’s Finest Woman.
  • Old Church
    In the February edition of Personal Update News Journal I pointed out that Jesus warned in His Olivet Discourse saying, “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
  • Article
    all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible—such as global disasters (Mt 24), the rise of the global super-state, the identity of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, and the Magog invasion (Ezek 38–39)—deception and apostasy in the church is listed more times than any other end-time sign of the times.
  • Article
    In early June of 2011, my wife Marcie and I travelled to New Zealand to visit the Missler’s newly founded ministry headquarters at The River Lodge. As a Koinonia House Board Member, I had heard a lot about this new venture and wanted to see it for myself.
  • Article
    For many years, Chuck and Nancy Missler had a vision to establish their ministry base in New Zealand. After many visits to the Emerald Islands of the South Pacific, they finally found what they were looking for. Chuck explained, “Within five minutes of walking onto the grounds of The River Lodge we just knew this was the place that God had for us.”
  • Article
    Throughout the history of man, philosophers and theologians alike have struggled to understand the complicated nature of mankind. The Psalmist tells us simply that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.
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    On a recent long-haul flight from New Zealand to the United States I found myself smiling as I approached the Premier Access line to board the plane. You see, I have flown enough that I have gained a status that grants me some special treatments by the airline.
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    The apostle Paul encouraged the Ephesian church by telling them, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
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    What Love is this? Is it a sincere desire motivated by a strong attraction? It is a serious devotion evidenced by undying attention? Or is it a deep emotion fueled by an enduring affection?
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    In Chapter 3 of Paul’s second letter to timothy, he lists 18 characteristics of the “perilous times” to come in the “last days”.
  • Article
    Like a spiritual tsunami, the influences of modern moral relativism are rapidly eroding the confidence of many Christians in Biblical truths concerning marriage, family, and parenting.
  • Article
    What are these “doctrines of demons” Paul warns us about? What can we do in this age of deception? What does the Bible have to say about the End Times? Matthew’s Gospel gives us the response of Jesus to this question. “Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be?