Displaying 31 - 60 of 93
  • Product

    In 1 Corinthians chapter 12 the apostle Paul writes, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.” Sadly, today many Christians are poorly equipped to understand what the Bible has to say about the Holy Spirit.

  • Product

    Every major theistic religion in the world encourages its followers to “Love God” which is usually expressed through religious rituals. Christianity alone tells its followers that “God Loves them.” This love is understood and enjoyed through a personal relationship with Him. God’s Love for us creates a Love for God which creates a Love for God’s ways.

  • Product

    The rapid rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has caused many in the world to wonder at its apocalyptic implications. We will examine this emerging problem with what I like to call the “Issachar Challenge” Therefore, we need to address three questions concerning this area of the world:

  • Product

    Dr. Chuck Missler, an internationally known business executive, outlines our current economic predicament and defensive steps you can take to lessen the impact of the impending economic crisis. As a Bible teacher for over 30 years with a ministry reaching over 40 countries, Chuck shares some key strategies to prepare yourself spiritually and practically.

    Is the World facing another major economic upheaval?

    What is the best strategy to protect your family in times of economic uncertainty?

  • Article
    As a small circle of fellow Believers stood on the Mount of Beatitudes in Israel, I witnessed a powerful and moving experience that gave me some new-found clarity. They all simply read the Sermon on the Mount together.
  • Yosef Garfinkel
    At our orientation evening before the start of every Koinonia House B.A.S.E. Tour, I will give a little speech to level set our group’s expectations.
  • Hyrcanus
    Our hearts were pounding as we slipped over the side of a shallow grotto at the edge of the Abraham's House complex. Having finished leading our 2019 B.A.S.E. Tour of Israel, Bob Cornuke wanted me to see a previously undocumented tomb in the upper Silwan area of the Mount of Olives.
  • The Age of Deceit
    Deception by diversion has always been a tactic used successfully by military commanders. From the Trojan Horse employed by the Greeks in the 13th Century BC to the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, tactical diversion has been a useful tool to gain an advantage on the battlefield.
  • The Age of Deceit
    In this session, I am going to explore the impact of redefinition as it is revealed through objectification.
  • Biotech
    The avalanche of advances in the current biotech revolution is both exciting and frightening.
  • Israel-Western-Wall-Tunnels-Synagogue
    The foundation for the Sanhedrin can be found in the Council of the seventy elders established by Moses, “So the LORD said to Moses: “Gather to Me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people and officers over them; bring them to the tabernacle of meeting, that they may stand there with you.”
  • The Age of Deceit
    Language is the chief medium by which we communicate ideas, opinions, and emotions. The foundation of honest communication is a trust that the words that are being used are clear and concise.
  • The Age of Deceit
    In this session, we will expose what happens when deception comes through indoctrination.
  • Article
    In the March issue of “Personal Update,” we published my article “Digital Dictators,” which gave a summary of the direction we believe the world is heading regarding the personal rating systems which could soon be consolidated into a centralized database that would allow the elite to monitor and control the masses.
  • Digital Dictators
    Who are the most powerful people in the world today? If I had asked that question twenty years ago, you would not be wrong to list the leaders of the major superpowers like the United States, Russia, etc. In that context, power was broadly defined as both economic and military might.
  • Article
    December 2009 brought the fulfillment of a dream held by both Chuck and Nancy Missler. They had just purchased The River Lodge in Reporoa, New Zealand. It was the conclusion of a ten-year journey to find their new home in paradise.
  • Age of Deceit
    In this session, we will explore Satan’s attack on the Church. The first time the word “church” is used in the Bible is found in Matthew chapter 16. Here the Greek word ekklēsia is translated Church which means “a gathering or assembly.”
  • Alien
    The appetite for aliens has once again been heightened by the most frequent news releases by the mainline media. In a world struggling under the stress of increasing global threats, the beleaguered masses may be looking for outside help to rescue mankind.
  • The Age of Deceit
    A doctrine is defined as “the codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions, taught principles or positions, as the body of teachings in a branch of knowledge or belief system.” Simply put, a doctrine is the formalized expression of a foundational belief.
  • The Age of Deceit
    To identify Satan‘s “devices,” we need to understand his M.O., which is short for Modus Operandi; a Latin term used by law enforcement authorities to describe the particular manner in which a crime is committed. Quite literally we have Satan‘s fingerprints, or his M.O., at the scene of his crimes throughout the Bible.
  • The Age of Deceit
    All mankind is embroiled in a war that has been raging since the dawn of time where man is both the prize and the pawn in this deadly conflict. For mankind, it all began in the Garden of Eden.
  • underrower
    On a recent long-haul flight from New Zealand to the United States I found myself smiling as I approached the Premier Access line to board the plane.
  • Article
    The story of Lot is a tale of privilege, provision, and perversion. To begin with, Lot’s name means “covering,” as in a veil that hides the truth of what is inside. That should give you a hint as to the type of person we will find as we explore this enigmatic character.
  • Article
    Throughout the history of man there have been two basic forms of public government: 1. Rule by the elite (monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy) and 2. Rule by the people (democracy).
  • Myopia
    During the 40-day post-resurrection ministry of Jesus to His disciples, He progressively prepared them for what they would face after His departure. By the time of their last meeting with Jesus, they had received the Great Commission. We pick up the narrative in the Book of Acts.
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    The attack on the Biblical family unit has never been greater. The pervasive influences of secular philosophy, psychology, and sociology have driven the traditional family unit to the brink of extinction.
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    For years I have explored the idea of creating material for kids that taught them critical thinking skills. While living in England in 1995, I was given a chance to make a Bible presentation to the local middle school students during one of their morning assemblies.
  • Article
    As we watch the rising tide of violence sweeping over the world around us, we need to focus on the predictions given in the Bible that allow us to put all of these unsettling events into a prophetic perspective.
  • Church in the End Times
    At the beginning of 2020 it was very common for governments, businesses, academic institutions and ministries to communicate their vision for the future activities they hoped would be accomplished during the coming year. Some even used the natural wordplay between the year 2020 and 20/20 as it relates to having normal eyesight;
  • Article
    Historically, the proclamation of the Christian evangelistic message contains the twins of the Gospel which are the Cross and the Resurrection. When my family and I were living in England, I was shocked by an article in the local “Portsmouth News, 13 April 2001.”