Displaying 31 - 38 of 38
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    Contrary to the governments of the United States and Israel, various experts in both countries reject the “two-state” solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I shall mention their views while developing five decisive arguments against a Palestinian state: Economic, Demographic, Political, Strategic, and Democratic. Let’s begin.
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    We conclude our three-part China series this month with an exploration of the affects of Communism and the struggles facing the current regime.
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    Most of us are alarmed at the rapid decline of our once-great country. Our elected officials pass laws they haven’t studied, exempt themselves from the burdens they impose on others, and become the pawns of the power brokers rather than faithfully representing their own constituents. All this at a time when our own economy is irresponsibly ignored.
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    We are in the middle of a series covering China in depth—we will not bring you the latest “flash in the pan” news about China but rather reveal the undercurrents that have dictated the path of China’s meteoric rise. With that in mind, we continue with part two of our series in which we will explore how capitalism has changed China and what its future holds.
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    Reading the Baker-Hamilton report on Iraq reminds me of a weird experience I once had. I've never told anyone about it before, but I'm going to share it with you to show the underlying problem with the panels conclusions.
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    It is difficult - but essential - to gain a perspective on the predicament facing the United States. We need to understand the precariousness of the dollar, the impossible debt burden we collectively face, and the emergent storm clouds on our financial horizon. First, the mountain of debt we are facing.
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    The American nation was built on the vast farmlands that stretch from the Alleghenies to the Rockies, and it was that farmland which produced the wealth that funded American industrialization.
  • America
    Obstruction of justice. Abuse of presidential powers. Failure to comply with congressional subpoenas. These were the three general Articles of Impeachment that the House Judiciary Committee approved against Richard Milhous Nixon in July 1974.