The Past Is Prologue

Year in Review

2008 has been one of the most gratifying years for the Koinonia Institute. It has continued to grow in depth as well as reach. Our diverse Membership of over 2,000 now spans over 30 countries: Afghanistan, American Samoa, Australia, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Germany, Great Britain, India, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Okinawa, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Romania, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, and Uganda, in addition to the United States. (There are 31 if you count California separately.)

This year 670 students have completed classes, and over 400 Bronze Medallions have been awarded. Seven new courses have been added to our catalog with more coming online after the first of the year.

Round-the-World Speaking Tour

Following recording sessions in Portsmouth, UK, and our Israel Study Tour this spring, we were sponsored by United Christian Broadcasters to a tour of Australia and New Zealand. This was unquestionably our most effective experience in our history in those areas. We ended up speaking in 40 sessions in 20 cities and had the remarkable privilege of witnessing God’s moving in our midst!

In each venue we were greeted by a packed house, bristling with enthusiasm and a visible commitment to the study of God’s Word. In each of the audiences, over 60% indicated they study the Word of God during the week in small group studies! One of the dynamics behind the scenes is the fabulous growth of the radio coverage: UCB broadcasts our programs twice a day on 316 stations throughout Australia! In New Zealand we understand that almost 10% of the population listens to our daily broadcasts!

We are also on XM Satellite Radio on the most coveted spot: 5 PM PST (6 PM MST; 7 PM CST; 8 PM EST). Check us out on 170 Family Talk.


We are now streaming video on our website 24 hours per day, seven days a week, worldwide. Typically, over 20,000 viewers watch for a mean viewing duration of 1 hour, 24 minutes. You can sample it anytime from either of our two web-sites, or, by simply clicking on the “KI-TV” icon.

Our series, “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours,” was featured three times a week on both Genesis TV and Revelation TV, two Christian channels which broadcast on Sky Digital, a cable and satellite service covering the whole of Europe. This series is now also available on His Channel. A series of interviews will also be featured on God TV (headquartered in the UK and Jerusalem), so we anticipate broadening opportunities in 2009.

New Publications

While we have published expositional commentaries on the entire Bible on MP3, in 2008 we added revisions on DVD for Romans, Hebrews, Galatians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, and Phi-lemon. We also produced DVDs for Jerry Corsi, Amir Tsarfati and Bill Cloud for a new course on Hebrew Roots. We also have published new briefing packs on The Origin of Evil, Eternal Security, and Technology and the Bible. We will be continuing a DVD series in support of the new book that Nan and I are completing, The Kingdom, Power, and Glory. We suspect that it may prove to be one of our most impacting undertakings.


It has been our continued commitment to monitoring the strategic trends which impact our communities and families that has distinguished this ministry from traditional Bible institutes. Perhaps the most promising development of the year was the launching of our online intelligence resource, the Issachar Data Base (IDB). We are developing an integrated online reservoir of information, which will not only support the prophecy and stewardship investigations of our members, but should also prove to be a unique resource to pastors and others attempting to “understand the times” (1 Chr 12:32). In addition to our own surveillance network of contacts and the growing archives of our members’ presentations, the IDB also includes portals to the most relevant proprietary intelligence services. This should prove to be one of the most distinctive assets of the Institute as it matures.

Strategic Perspectives Conferences

Even though the world is experiencing a huge economic downturn, we packed out our Third Annual National Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho with over 800 people in attendance. Our 2009 Annual Conference is scheduled for October 23 – 25, again at the Coeur d’Alene Resort.

In May we held our first regional “Strategic Perspectives” conference, in Chino Hills, CA and it, too, was a great success. This conference featured speakers which addressed all three of the KI avenues of study: Berean (Biblical); Issachar (prophetic and stewardship); and, Koinonos (practical Christian living). In 2009 we have scheduled two more of these regional conferences: in Franklin, TN, April 17-18 and in Philadelphia, PA, September 25-26. Mark your calendar now and pray about joining us!

Israel Study Tours

We have just returned from a most successful and enlightening “Insider’s Briefing.”  Next year we are planning three trips to Israel: 1) a practicum (“Koinonos”) working tour (sold out); 2) a devotional (“Berean”) Bible Study tour; and 3) an (“Issachar”) Insider’s Briefing for a select group in the fall. In 2009, they are scheduled for May 7 – 17; May 18 – 28; and October 28 – November 9, respectively.

The Past Is Prologue

The year has been abundantly productive and the enthusiasm of the participants in the Institute continues to be contagious. The growth is encouraging but only a preamble for the adventure ahead! There are very serious challenges ahead—for everybody—and many people will be desperately seeking serious answers. We believe it will be one of the most fruitful opportunities for the Kingdom and we urgently seek your continued prayers and involvement. Pray about joining us in any way the Lord leads!