2012: The Year In Review

Annual Report Card

The New Year is always a perfect time for us to review our personal priorities and make a renewed commitment to those things we determine to be the most fruitful paths toward growth and fulfillment.

The same is true for our ministry, so annually we take a look back and reflect on the previous year and assess how well we are fulfilling the call of God.

2012 in Review

2012 was a good year! God has blessed this ministry in many ways. It is sometimes staggering to see how God is using this ministry to change lives—I do not think we will fully understand any of it until we see Him face to face.

Before I even start talking about what was accomplished this past year, I want to thank each one of you who has prayed, volunteered your time, or given financially (both in the form of donations and purchasing product). You are a vital part of this ministry, and because of your participation, we have been able to be effective for the Kingdom of God around the world.

Now, let’s take a look at 2012 and then I’ll end with some thoughts about 2013.

Our Materials

Chuck is doing well at the River Lodge in New Zealand. He has ample time for studying God’s Word and creating presentations that are changing lives around the globe. We are starting to see doors open up to the entire Pacific Rim—opportunities that would not be possible without our presence in New Zealand.

Here is a list of presentations Chuck recorded in 2012:

  1. Footprints of the Messiah – Chuck Missler – January 2012
  2. The Hybrid Age – Chuck Missler and Tom Horn – February 2012
  3. Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm – Chuck Missler – March 2012
  4. Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War – Chuck Missler – April 2012
  5. Israel & the Church – Chuck Missler – June 2012
  6. Death of Discernment – Ron Matsen – July 2012
  7. The End Times Scenario – Chuck Missler – August 2012
  8. Strategic Trends 2012 – Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen – October 2012
  9. An Agape Weekend – Chuck and Nancy Missler – November 2012
  10. Weathering the Coming Storm – Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen – November 2012

If you have not had the opportunity yet, watch these briefings—your life will be enriched!

Koinonia Institute

Koinonia Institute continues to grow and expand. New curriculum is being developed and opportunities are opening up where we did not think possible, in the form of church partnerships and in public school districts in other countries.

KI changes lives—period. Our unique program not only teaches people the Bible, but we go beyond that and teach people to examine the world around them using Scripture to shape their worldview. It does not stop there, however; our members must also take that knowledge out into the world and do something with it in the form of practicums. So, not only are the members’ lives being changed, but they are in turn changing the lives of those around them.

In 2012, 306 people earned their Bronze medallion, which takes about a year to complete, and 27 people earned their Silver medallion, which takes an additional three years to complete. To date, 1950 people have earned a Bronze and 58 have earned a Silver—a task that is both strenuous and worthy.

Clint Robertson has joined the KI team and will spend his time working with the Area Representatives and helping KI expand its reach into other areas. Clint is a man of God and is wholly dedicated to the work God has called him to here. (For fans of The Apprentice, he was the runner-up in the 2010 season). It has been a joy to work with him over the past couple of months and see his enthusiasm for the ministry.

Koinonia Institute’s Annual Conference

Our annual international KI conference in Coeur d’Alene was a huge success. This year we added the option to live stream the conference right to your home. It literally doubled those in attendance! As travel difficulties and expenses continue to increase, we expect this to be the avenue in which people will engage with us. So if you cannot travel to Coeur d’Alene next year, plan on joining us via the live stream. (There are priceless benefits for those that can personally attend—just ask someone who came—so do make every effort to come.)

2013 Israel Tours

Each year we take people to visit the Land. Our tours are the best—seek out someone who has joined a previous tour—they will do all the bragging for us.

This year we are adding some additional tours and creating opportunities to experience the land of Israel in ways that would be missed by the average tourist.

Check out our tours page for more details, but here are the dates for 2013:

  • The TALMIDIM Expedition: February 2–18, 2013
  • The WILDERNESS Experience: February 18–26, 2013
  • Hiking the JESUS TRAIL: April 29–May 5, 2013
  • The BEREAN Tour: May 5–13, 2013
  • ISRAEL 2: Returning to the Land!: May 13–22, 2013
  • The ISSACHAR Tour: October 28–November 6, 2013

2013 Materials

This year, look for new and updated commentaries on both the Gospel of John (scheduled for release next month!) and the Book of Isaiah. Chuck is filming his Isaiah study on Monday nights from New Zealand, which you can view live online each week—free of charge!

We also look forward to new topical studies (and updated classics recorded afresh for DVD) from Chuck in 2013, as well as new material derived from the popular Study Retreat Weekends at the River Lodge in New Zealand.

Your Help Is Needed

Please continue to pray for this ministry, as we can definitely see the effects of your fervent prayers. Our heart is for this ministry to please God and reach the world in the manner in which He leads. When you join us in prayer for God’s guidance and provision, you become part of this ministry—a very vital part. Thank you.

For those who can give financially, without your financial support of this ministry we could not meet our obligations each month. Your support goes toward helping those that cannot afford KI via our scholarship program. It also helps support our radio program and website activities, and allows us to donate materials to those that cannot afford them.

God has called us to expand Koinonia Institute in 2013 (and beyond) to reach more people than ever—pray about helping us financially to accomplish this.

May God richly bless you this year as you continue to serve Him!