The Problem Is Us

America 2012

This Thanksgiving, with your family, conduct a review of our heritage and the freedoms that have come to us at such a high price.

Thanksgiving is intended to be the most spiritual of our national holidays. It is a time to reassess our situation, ask forgiveness for failures, reestablish our priorities, and to give thanks to God for our heritage—the vision and the commitment of our founders for the liberty and freedoms that have resulted from their commitment and devotion to us, their posterity.

It is staggering to contemplate their sacrifices and achievements, of which we are the benefactors. It is disturbing to contrast their self-sacrifice and commitment with the self-interest and preoccupations of our present day. They gave their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to create and preserve a republic that we so take for granted.

A Seasonal Assessment

It is difficult to establish a constructive perspective on the American predicament of the past several decades. Yet, while we have endured the betrayal of America, we need to recognize that this goes far beyond the weaknesses, betrayals and maliciousness of one little group of people in Washington, D.C. What we have seen, at the moral level, is simply the consequence of the deep abandonment of all moral principles and decency that the liberals, the socialists, and the leftists have achieved over the last 50 years!

They have systematically assaulted the family, revised our history and heritage, and eroded the very foundations of our liberty, on every front, in every way, throughout our entire lifetime. The results we are now experiencing are the natural consequences of this abandonment of moral principle and our inability to understand that for institutions of self-government to work, there must be a moral foundation for integrity and for self-discipline.

Our founders understood this. They reiterated at every turn that these institutions were framed for a moral and religious people and could not be sustained by any other. How can we say we love our country when we stand by and watch it pushed over the brink of moral destruction, losing our liberty in the process and saying nothing? Wringing our hands on the sidelines won’t help.

What Is the Solution?

There is only one way to save this nation. We need to cry out to the Very One to whom our founders cried out, to ask for that miracle of heart regeneration that alone will reestablish our strength as a people and then to act unequivocally for the values that God has called us to and for which we all will be called accountable.

This Thanksgiving, with your family, conduct a review of our heritage and the freedoms that have come to us at such a high price. Then, may we confess our sins of presumption and ingratitude that have let this precious mandate erode from beneath us, and ask God, in His mercy and sovereignty, to help us reestablish this country as a beachhead for the Gospel to a hurting world.