I & II Thessalonians: An Expositional Commentary

Chuck Missler
Published by
Koinonia House

How does your eschatological view affect your life? If it has no effect, you might reconsider what you really believe. Paul's epistles to the believers in Thessalonica are the two most important New Testament eschatological epistles. 1st Thessalonians is among the earliest New Testament documents: written less than 20 years after Christ's resurrection. Every chapter refers to the Second Coming. The most famous declaration in this letter is on the Harpazo, commonly called, from the Latin, the "Rapture." Paul's second letter apparently followed his first by a few months. He addressed, among other things, an apparent forgery that was written "as if from Paul." He wrote to settle their confusion over the same issues that plague most prophecy discussions today: Will the church experience the Great Tribulation? When does the Antichrist appear?

This study contains 8 hours of verse by verse teachings.

Copyright © 07-01-2010
Recorded: 2010